It should always be the goal of attorneys and parties in a domestic matter to resolve things outside of the courtroom; however, when efforts to negotiate fail or where one…
Managing your Workload as a “LawMom” with a Busy Law Practice
Managing your Workload as a “LawMom” with a Busy Law Practice By Co-Host, Sheryl L. Saavedra, Esq. I practice Family Law, which is one of the most client intensive practices…
Pro Bono Spotlight: Sheryl Saavedra Written by Stella Sommer, a 2021 NMILC Intern Sheryl Saavedra, a family law attorney, has graciously offered her time and expertise pro bono to NMILC…
Shining the Spotlight on Peak Legal Groups Pro Bono Practice
Sheryl Saavedra and Harold (Hal) Atencio have been recognized as “Stars in Pro Bono Work” by the New Mexico Bar Bulletin. Drawing on their 60 years of combined legal experience,…
Contact us today to learn how we can help you with Family Formation and Reformation in the Albuquerque Metro area and throughout the entire State of New Mexico.